Spiral Scouts: A Cool Alternative Form of Scouting

Spiral Scouts Patches

In recent years and for varying reasons, families have been seeking alternatives to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire groups, and other traditional outdoor youth group programs. SpiralScouts was created in 1999 as an alternative to these mainstream scouting programs, extending membership opportunities to all children, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical limitations, or any other similar conditions. Current youths involved in the program are located across the United States, other countries in the Americas, as well as various other parts of the world. While taking into account the children’s safety, SpiralScouts believes only experience and skill should determine the suitability of any individual as a leader.

SpiralScouts offers many of the traditional woodland lore, camping, and outdoor living skills, but also includes teaching the many mythologies of the ancient world. It also teaches and helps youths to cultivate many life and interpersonal skills such as developing good relationships with peers and adults, and honoring and respecting others who may be different. To aid in this, both a male and a female adult lead each group, which helps youths to understand how differing leadership styles can cooperate and work together for the benefit of the whole group. It also shows by example that both men and women are capable, cooperative leaders. Children are allowed to make many of the decisions in regard to activities they do and how SpiralScouts works for them, thereby helping them grow into strong, competent members of society.

SprialScouts’ Patches and Badges

Being a growing scouting organization, SpiralScouts needed a reliable company to produce the badges they needed. One of their board members found Stadri Emblems, and they’ve since ordered several dozen patches from us. Among the most prominent are the badges given to the four program level ranks.

RainDrops - Ages 3 to 5

Raindrop Badge

The RainDrop™ Vow:

I make this vow
to remind me now
to be kind & good
like a RainDrop should.

FireFlies - Ages 6 to 9

Firefly Badge

The FireFly™ Promise:

I promise to serve the Wise Ones,
To Honor and respect Mother Earth,
To be helpful and understanding toward all people,
And always keep love in my heart.

SpiralScouts - Ages 10 to 13

Spiral Scout Badge

The SpiralScout™ Oath:

A SpiralScout shall:
Respect all living things;
be kind and courteous;
be honorable;
be mindful of his/her words;
seek out knowledge in all forms;
recognize the beauty in all of creation;
offer assistance to others;
value honesty and truth;
honor personal commitments;
and respect the Divine in all things.

PathFinders - Ages 14 to 18

Pathfinder Badge

The PathFinder™ Pledge:

I pledge myself to the RainDrop Vow,
The FireFly Promise, the SpiralScouts's Oath,
And the fulfillment of my commitments,
Made to myself as well as others.
I pledge to serve my brothers and sisters, as I am able,
On our many journeys around the sun together
As I find my way through the world.

The SpiralScouts program is similar to well-known scout organizations such as the BSA and GSA in that the RainDrops, FireFlies, SpiralScouts, and PathFinders work on badges and receive a patch for each badge they finish. These patches are usually put on the youths’ sashes or capuches.

If you are someone who likes to stay off the beaten path, or if you are simply looking for an alternative to mainstream scouting programs, give SpiralScouts a try!